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Just Nice Clean Cars Limited Terms of Business

Products and services (the ‘Products and Services’) are supplied by us subject to the following terms and conditions and it is important that you read these before contracting with us so that you understand your rights and obligations.

1. Contracting Party

By placing an order (‘Order’) you will be entering into a legally binding contract with Just Nice Clean Cars Ltd (company registration number 7251788; VAT number GB 992 034 17), whose registered office address is Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5AE, trading as Just Nice Clean Cars (‘Just Nice Clean Cars’ ‘We’ ‘Us’, ‘Our’, ‘The Company’) for the supply the Products and Services.

2. How to Contact Us

a) e-mail at

b) call Customer Care on 01926 836900

c) write to us at: Just Nice Clean Cars, Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5AE

3. General and Definitions

3.1 Set out below are the terms and conditions under which “the Company” carries out service and repair work on behalf of “the Customer”.

3.2 No employee, servant or agent of the Company has any authority whatsoever except in writing to amend, vary, modify or waive any of these terms and conditions.

3.3 Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to affect, nor will it affect the customers statutory rights under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or the Unfair Contracts Act 1977 and any amendment thereto.

3.4 “Goods means all Goods, parts and other things to be sold by the Company to the Customer whether or not supplied in conjunction with “the Work”.

3.5 “Work” means any Work to be done by the Company whether by way of repair, servicing, fitting or otherwise.

4. In-Centre MOT and Service Bookings

4.1 Specific times may be booked for MOTs. If you have selected a specific time, please be punctual or our ability to offer the MOT on that day may be impacted.

4.2 For servicing, your vehicle should be with Us before 9am, unless otherwise advised by Us.

5. Order Acceptance (Online Ordering)

5.1 Acceptance of your Order will take place when We e-mail or text you to accept it, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and Us.

5.2 If We are unable to accept your Order, We will inform you of this in writing and will not charge you for the Products or Services. This might be because the Product you have ordered is out of stock or because of unexpected limits on Our resources.

5.3 We retain the right to refuse to accept your Order solely at Our discretion. If there is concern that there is an attempt to place an Order dishonestly, fraudulently, by impersonating someone else or by attempting to use payment details which have been stolen, We will make additional checks and if appropriate involve external authorities.

6. Movement of Online Bookings

6.1 Appointments can be rescheduled to an alternative date (subject to availability) provided one clear working day is allowed between rescheduling and the original appointment (e.g. appointments for Thursday can be rescheduled up to midnight on Tuesday).

7. Estimates

7.1 Any estimate given by the Company shall be considered an approximation of the likely cost involved based upon such inspection as the Company can or is allowed to carry out at the time of giving the estimate.

7.2 Prices of Goods are those current at the time of the estimate and the Company reserves the right to increase such prices if the price to the Company is increased between preparing the estimate and obtaining the Goods.

7.3 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, if it appears during the process of any Work that the estimate will be exceeded by a significant amount, the Company will not continue the Work without further express permission (oral or written) from the Customer.

7.4 All prices are inclusive of value added tax.

8. Supply and Service Performance Dates

The company will use its best efforts to do Work for the Customer but shall not be responsible for any delay in supplying the Goods or carrying out the Work howsoever caused, and time shall not be of the essence.

Any dates for supply of the Products and/or performance of the Services are estimates and whilst We will always try to meet those dates We will not be liable for any minor delays or failures. In particular, We will not be liable for any delays caused by circumstances beyond Our reasonable control, including but not limited to, adverse weather conditions, staff illness or a general market shortage of particular Products.

9. Products

9.1 Products may vary slightly from their online pictures. The images of the Products on Our website are for illustrative purposes only. Although We have made every effort to display the colours accurately, your Product may vary slightly from those images.

9.2 Customers ordering tyres online for fitment should verify the tyre size and specification currently fitted to their vehicle before placing their online order for tyres with Us. If incorrect tyres are ordered by you, We will assist you in sourcing the correct tyres and re-schedule the fitting appointment. An administrative fee may be applied to cover exchange.

10. Specification of Products and Services

10.1 All Products supplied will correspond with any specification provided by Us and be of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. We may, after the date of the contract, make reasonable changes to the specification of any Products or Services where that is required to ensure compliance with any applicable law or code of practice and/or where those changes do not result in any reduction to the standard, quality or performance of the Products or Services in question or otherwise place you at any disadvantage.

10.2 All Services will be performed by Us using all reasonable skill, care and diligence.

11. Price

11.1 The price of the Products and/or Services is inclusive of VAT and will be the pounds sterling price stated on your Order. Unless explicitly stated, the cost of fitting any Products purchased is included in the price.

11.2 Our website and social media accounts contain details of all our Products and Services and it is always possible that, despite Our best efforts, some of the Products and/or Services listed online are incorrectly priced. We verify the prices included in your Order to Us as part of Our processing procedures so that, where Products and/or Services are incorrectly priced We may, at Our discretion, either contact you for your instructions in relation to your Order or reject your Order and notify you of such rejection. The current price is the latest price shown and all previous prices will be irrelevant.

11.3 We reserve the right, before the relevant contract is formed in accordance with these terms and conditions, to change the price of the Products and Services.

11.4 We shall be entitled to adjust the price payable by you to reflect any changes which are made to the rate of VAT between the point of Order and the completion of the work.

12. Quotations

12.1 All quotations are valid for 7 days from the date of issue, unless they include a specific promotional offer which has an earlier expiry date. The expiry date of promotional offers will be clearly notified.

12.2 Once Services have started you will be informed immediately of any additional work identified. A new printed quotation will be produced on request and additional work will only be carried out with your agreement.

13. Payment

13.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, delivery of the Goods or Services shall be at the Company’s premises.

13.2 All specially ordered Goods must be paid for at the time of ordering.

13.3 All Goods, other than specially ordered Goods shall be paid for upon delivery or collection in accordance with any credit terms agreed in advance.

13.4 Work shall be deemed complete when the customer is advised by the Company that it has been completed and the Customer’s motor vehicle is ready for collection. The Customer will pay for all Work done and Goods supplied and any storage charges before the vehicle may be removed from the Company’s premises.

13.5 Interest at the rate of 3% over Barclays Bank Plc’s base rate from time to time (both before and after judgment) will be charged from the due date of payment until payment.

14. Ownership of Products

All Products supplied remain Our property until paid for by you in full although this retention of ownership will not affect any claim which We may have against you for the payment of any overdue amount.

15. Returned Goods

15.1 Subject to clause 15.2 Goods will be accepted back for credit, provided that the Customer returns the Goods (in the same condition as when supplied) together with all original packaging within 5 working days of delivery and the Goods were not specifically ordered by the Customer. The Company reserve the right to charge a handling fee of 20% for goods accepted back for credit.

15.2 Goods which are not normally stocked and therefore specially ordered from a supplier cannot be accepted back for credit under any circumstances.

16. Removal of Parts

With the exception of warranty and service exchange parts, removed parts will be disposed by Us. Disposal will be in accordance with current environmental regulations and legislative requirements. A fee may be charged for this service.

17. Suspension of Work

If We suspend or delay the supply of any Products and/or the performance of any Services at your request or as a direct result of any breach by you of your obligations under this contract (for example, in the case of collection or delivery, you are not present at the address listed and at the time specified within the Order) then in addition to the original price payable by you, We reserve the right to charge you a reasonable additional amount to cover any unavoidable, or irrecoverable costs and/or expenses incurred by Us as a direct result of its suspension or delay in those circumstances.

18. Storage Charges

18.1 If the Customer or his agent deposits a vehicle with the Company for an estimate, the storage charge based on the Company’s current rate will be made to the Customer from the day after despatch of the estimate unless it is accepted by the Customer within three days of despatch or the vehicle is removed from the premises within three days of such despatch.

18.2 If the vehicle is not collected by the Customer within twenty-four hours of being advised that all Work is complete, the Company may charge for storage of the vehicle at its current rate. The Company may sell the vehicle if the Customer fails to pay any monies due to the Company after it has been notified that the Work has been completed and the Customer is given one month’s notice of the Company’s intention to proceed to sell it. Upon any such sale the Company shall pay the balance of the proceeds of sale to the Customer after arising for the latest or earlier Work and all costs of sale.

19. Liability for Damage to Products

Once any Products have been supplied you will become liable for any loss or damage to those Products unless such loss or damage was caused by Us.

20. Liability for Structural Defects

We will not be liable for any damage to your vehicle which is caused as a direct result of structural defects or weaknesses unless that damage is caused as a direct result of a breach of Our obligations in this contract.

21. Liability

21.1. The Customer should remove any items of value not related to the vehicle including detachable in-car cameras and in respect of any loss or damage which is not the responsibility of the Company must rely upon his own insurance. The Company’s only responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its accessories or contents caused by the negligence of the Company or its employees. Except in respect of death, personal injury, the liability of the Company to the Customer for any direct loss, damage, costs or expenses shall be limited to £2m in respect of any one event or series of connected events.

21.2 Except in respect of death or personal injury by the Company’s negligence, the Company shall not be liable to the Customer by reason of any representation or implied warranty condition or other term or any duty at common law or under these Terms for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profits or otherwise) costs or expenses whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the Company, its employees, agents or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with the supply of the Goods or the provision of Work or their use or resale by Customer except as expressly stated in these Terms.

21.3 The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or be deemed to be in breach of contract by reason of any delay in any failure to perform any of its obligations if they delay or failure is due to any cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control.

22. Warranty

22.1 The Company warrants its Work free of defects in workmanship for a period of 12 months or 12 thousand miles, whichever occurs sooner from the date of completion of the Work.

22.2 Subject to clause 22.3, the Company warrants that all parts will be free from defects in material and Workmanship for 12 months from sale by the Company in respect of any parts fitted or other Goods the Company assigns to the Customer the benefit of the applicable manufacturer’s warranty. Any Goods sold but not fitted will, subject to clause 22.3 be replaced from production of the invoice but the Company will not fit the Goods.

22.3 No warranty will apply if and to the extent that a defect is caused or worsened by any of the following:

  • (a) A failure to inform the Company of the defect or have it examined by the Company
  • (b) A failure to give the Company the opportunity to remedy it;
  • (c) If the Goods have been subject to misuse, negligence or accident or used in the vehicle for racing, rallying or similar sports;
  • (d) The installation of a part into the Goods inconsistent with its use or the alteration of the Goods in a manner inconsistent with its use;
  • (e) Non-adherence to instructions concerning the treatment, maintenance and care of the Goods or a failure to have the relevant vehicle serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
  • (f) The repair or maintenance of the Goods by anyone who is not authorised by the relevant manufacturer.

22.4 If the Work includes painting, then if the metal to be painted is rusted every reasonable precaution will be taken to prevent the rust penetrating the paint after completion of the Work, but no warranty can be given in this respect or to the effect that the new paintwork will match existing paintwork exactly.

23. Complaints

23.1 We are under a legal duty to supply Products and Services that are in conformity with the contract. If you have a complaint and/or are not satisfied with the Products or Services you have been supplied with, please contact Our Customer Care department using the contact details provided above.

23.2 If, having contacted Our Customer Care department you are still not satisfied with the Products or Services received from Us, please ask Our Customer Care department for details of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme that We participate in.

24. Allowing Us the Opportunity to Put Things Right

24.1 If you suffer any loss or damage for which We are responsible then you must afford Us a reasonable opportunity to remedy the problem and you must take reasonable steps to minimise or avoid any loss or damage which you may suffer as a result of Our breach of contract.

24.2 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage if you fail to afford Us a reasonable opportunity to put it right and/or which could have been avoided or minimised by you taking reasonable steps which you failed to take.

25. Termination Due to Delay

25.1 You have the right to terminate your contract without reason and at no cost at any time before actual supply of the Products and/or performance of the Services and during a limited period following supply and/or performance – the cancellation terms are listed in clause 27 and set out full details of these rights and how you can exercise them.

25.2 If We fail to supply the Products and/or complete the performance of the Services by any dates agreed with you then, provided that the delay is not as a direct result of any breach by you of any of your obligations under this contract (such as you failing to allow Us access to your vehicle, in the case of a collection) and/or due to circumstances beyond Our reasonable control, you may request in writing that We complete all supply of Products and/or performance of Services within a further reasonable time period. If We then fail to complete all supply of Products and performance of Services within the reasonable time period specified by you, you will then have the option to terminate this contract due to Our breach.

26. Contract Termination

26.1 Unless terminated earlier in accordance with its provisions, this contract will automatically terminate on the last day of the applicable warranty period.

26.2 Any termination of this contract will not affect any claim, cause of action or liability which may have arisen before the date of termination.

27. How To End Your Contract

Phone or email. Call customer care on 01926 836900 or email Us at Please provide your name, home address, details of the Order and, where available, your phone number and email address.

28. Cancellations and Refunds

28.1 For Services: you can cancel this contract during a “cooling-off period” of up to 14 days after the day on which We accept your Order.

28.2 For Products: you can cancel this contract during a “cooling-off period” of up to 14 days after the day on which the Products have been supplied.

28.3 By entering into this contract, you agree that We can on your request start work before your cooling-off period ends in which case you may lose the right to cancel.

28.4 If you decide to cancel this contract after We have started the supply of Products and Services to you We reserve the right to charge you for any Products or Services supplied.

28.5 We will refund you the price you paid for the Products including any applicable costs (including but not limited to necessary delivery and handling costs), by the method you used for payment.

29. Trademarks

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names that appear on this website are proprietary to Just Nice Clean Cars Limited, companies within its group, or other respective owners. Trademarks should not be copied without Our prior written permission.

30. Data Protection

Where you provide your personal data to Us or We otherwise process personal data about you in connection with these Terms and Conditions or the provision of Products or Services, We shall process your personal data in accordance with Our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy is accessible at

31. Third Party Rights

Only you and Us shall be entitled to enforce this contract. No third party shall be entitled to enforce any of the terms, whether by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

32. Severance

32.1 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will still continue in force.

32.2 Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately.

32.3 If any court or relevant authority decides that any of the terms or paragraphs are unlawful, the remaining terms and paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

33. Assignment

We may assign or sub-contract some or all of Our rights and obligations under this contract from time to time but any such assignment or sub-contracting will only be in circumstances which do not prejudice your rights under this contract.

34. Variations to these Terms & Conditions

Other than in the limited circumstances detailed in these terms and conditions where We may make certain unilateral changes, any variation to these terms and conditions will only be valid if agreed between you and Us in writing.

35. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions, together with any documents referred to or incorporated into it constitute the entire agreement between you and Us and supersede all prior communications and proposals.

36. Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Products and Services in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Products and Services in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Products and Services in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

Just Nice Clean Cars Limited Website Terms & Conditions of Use

Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy and cookie policy, govern Just Nice Clean Cars Limited’s relationship with you in relation to this website, by accessing this site you agree to be bound by them. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use the website.

The term ‘Just Nice Clean Cars’, or ‘JNCC’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5AE. Our company registration number is 7251788, registered in England and Wales. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website

Changes to this notice

We may change these terms at any time without notice by updating the terms shown on this website. It is your responsibility to review the website terms each time you enter the website to ensure you are aware of our latest terms and conditions. Your use of this website after a change has been made signifies your acceptance of the revised terms

This website is for your personal use only and is not to be used for any commercial purpose

These terms and conditions only apply to Just Nice Clean Cars internet sites. These are not the full trading terms and conditions of Just Nice Clean Cars Limited, please contact your local Just Nice Clean Cars Limited dealership or Just Nice Clean Cars Limited Head Office for more information

Website Availability:

We cannot promise that this website will be uninterrupted, free of errors, bugs or viruses and we will not be liable if, for any reason, this website is unavailable at any time or for any computer virus or system failure. Access may be suspended at any time without prior notice being given


Copyright 2018 Just Nice Clean Cars Limited. All Rights Reserved. The Just Nice Clean Cars logo and all text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, and video files specifically representing Just Nice Clean Cars Limited and their arrangement on Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites, are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites may also contain material that is subject to the copyright rights of their providers; vehicle manufacturers for example. No person may copy, modify, transmit, distribute, display, reproduce, publish, license or create works from any material, on any part of this website, or otherwise use it for any public or commercial use without the prior express written permission of Just Nice Clean Cars Limited

Product/Service Information:

The information on Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites is intended for use only by UK residents from within the UK. The information and other materials contained in this website may not satisfy the laws in countries outside the UK. If you choose to access this website from outside the UK you are responsible for ascertaining to what extent local laws are applicable and compliance with local laws. Any telephone numbers and charges shown only apply to calls made from within the UK

Some of the product information, illustrations and images contained on Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites, may have been prepared for generic use by third party partners, potentially in different countries around the world. Just Nice Clean Cars Limited holds no liability for vehicle specifications that are no longer available or not available in this country.

Some of the specific used vehicle information displayed on Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites, including technical and specification information, is referenced from the generic UK CAP vehicle information database. For more information please go to  If you have reached this website through a third party site such as,,  or any other advertising media website it is your responsibility to check the specification of the vehicle directly with Just Nice Clean Cars Limited dealership as we cannot be held liable for any errors or change in specification that may have occurred through third party translation.  Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy of product and service information, some inaccuracies may occur. It is important that you do not rely on this information but check with a Just Nice Clean Cars Limited dealership, about any items which may affect your decision to purchase a product or service. Just Nice Clean Cars Limited accepts no liability for loss or damage resulting from errors or misleading information.

If you are interested in any vehicle displayed on a Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet site and are unsure of its availability, or specification, please contact your local Just Nice Clean Cars Limited dealership, full contact details of which can be found on this website or email

All prices are current at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.

These website terms should be read in conjunction with the separate terms and conditions for the sale or supply of the individual products or services which are referred to on this website. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and the specific product or service terms and conditions, the latter shall prevail.

Always check directly with the providing Just Nice Clean Cars Limited dealership, of the terms on which any product or service is supplied before making any commitment

No Warranties or Representations:

Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites and the information, images, materials and other content shown on these sites, is provided without any representation or endorsement being made and without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to; any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, all such terms and warranties are hereby excluded

Without limitation to the foregoing, although we take care to ensure that the information, images, materials and other content provided on Just Nice Clean Cars Limited internet sites is accurate, we give no warranties of any kind, express or implied, that they are accurate, complete or up to date. You should not rely on the information to make any decision or take any action. Just Nice Clean Cars Limited shall not accept any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this website or for any reliance placed by any person on the information.

In no circumstances will Just Nice Clean Cars Limited be liable for any losses sustained and arising out of or in connection with use of this website, or any site accessed from this website including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill (whether direct or indirect), nor any economic, consequential, indirect or special loss

Links to other websites

From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s)

Communication with Just Nice Clean Cars Limited:

Telephone calls and e-mail correspondence with Just Nice Clean Cars Limited may be recorded or monitored. By using these communication methods you are consenting to the recording or monitoring of your calls and e-mails

The price of calls may vary depending on your service provider. Please check with your provider for exact charges.

These Terms in Law

These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Disputes arising in relation to them shall, unless expressly agreed otherwise, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales

Company Information:

Just Nice Clean Cars Limited is responsible for the content of this website. Just Nice Clean Cars Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 7251788, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and has its registered office at Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5AE. Telephone number: 01926 836900, e-mail address:

Just Nice Clean Cars Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN: 663362. All finance is subject to status and income. Written quotation on request. We act as a credit broker not a lender. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers.

We can introduce you to a limited number of finance providers and products for which we shall receive a commission. The commission we receive shall be either a fixed fee or a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow. The finance providers we work with may pay commission at different rates, however the amount of commission that we receive does not have any effect on the amount you pay under your credit agreement.

It is our intention to provide a high level of service at all times. However if you have reason to make a complaint about our service you should contact Just Nice Clean Cars Limited at Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, CV34 5AE. If we are unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Further information is available by calling the FOS on 0845 080 1800 or at

The vehicle specifications displayed on the website are supplied by a third party. Whilst every effort is made to verify and ensure the accuracy of the data, the information should only be used as a guide.

Where we are
Just Nice House

Just Nice House
Millers Road
CV34 5AE

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Did you know you can book your MOT test up to 30 days in advance without losing any days from your certificate end date, they just roll over to the new certificate ... making it really easy to book ahead. So why not book now by clicking the link above.